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No Darkness at All

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:5

Consider navigating across a wilderness on a night with no moonlight. The voyage becomes difficult, terrifying, and even hazardous without a light to guide you. You can trip over hidden hazards, become disoriented, or completely stray from the course. But when you add a light source, like a lantern or a candle, the scene instantly transforms. Shadows fade, the way is made clear, and confidence replaces fear.

This picture depicts the spiritual journey we go on throughout life. We need a light to lead us in a world that is frequently shrouded in spiritual darkness, marked by uncertainty, deception, and sin. However, we are not left to stutter in the pitch black. “God is Light, and there is no darkness at all in Him,” the Bible declares.

This inspiring verse from John’s first epistle is the subject of our discussion today. This verse serves as a solid foundation for our conception of God and illuminates the way in which we, as followers of Jesus, are expected to live. May we, as we explore its depths, not only come to a fresh knowledge of God’s illuminating nature, but also to practical understandings of how to bring this light into our world right now.

The Meaning of 1 John 1:5

The first epistle of the apostle John is written to fight the spread of Gnostic ideas that have crept into the early church. These misguided ideas even implied that God could not have come in the form of a human being because they suggested a sharp separation between the spiritual and physical worlds. In answer, John focuses on the concrete reality of Jesus as God in the flesh and our close relationship with Him.

“God is light; in him there is no darkness at all,” declares John, offering a striking metaphor that connects with his listeners. Light is a metaphor for all that is sincere, true, and supportive to life. It dispels shadows, discloses, and shines while promoting growth. On the other hand, darkness is connected to evil, deception, and death.

John declares the total holiness, truth, and righteousness of God by asserting that He is without any darkness. He distinguishes Him from the defective gods of Gnostic or paganism, dispelling any idea that God may be connected with wickedness or falsehood.

However, this text goes beyond simply explaining who God is. Additionally, it concerns our relationship with Jesus as His disciples. If God is light and there is no darkness at all in Him, then this implies that we are called to walk in the light and to live in sincerity, chastity, and love. As our relationship with God deepens, His light begins to shine in and through us, illuminating the darkness of sin in our lives and assisting us in overcoming it.

The Bible repeatedly returns to this theme. From the creation story, in which God first creates light, to Jesus’ proclamation that He is the world’s light, to the final vision of Revelation, in which there is no need for the sun or moon because the glory of God provides light, there is a consistent theme throughout the Bible. The idea of “God is Light” runs like a golden thread through the Bible, exposing God’s nature and His purpose for humanity.


The significant applications of 1 John 1:5 in our modern world include:

Living Transparently: Since “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all,” we are urged to live transparent lives in front of God and other people. This entails distancing oneself from hypocrisy, dishonesty, and fraud in whatever form. Striving for authenticity becomes a potent demonstration of our faith in a world where appearances frequently seem to matter more than reality.

Striving for Purity: This passage states that God is wholly holy and pure. We are commanded to imitate God’s holiness in our words, deeds, and thoughts at a day when moral relativism frequently muddles the borders between good and wrong. This entails deliberately fostering a way of life that is in line with God’s standards of holiness, fighting sinful tendencies, asking for forgiveness when we err, and avoiding temptation.

Promoting Truth: The idea of God as light emphasizes the significance of truth in a world of “fake news” and false information. We are obligated to defend the truth and condemn deception in all of its manifestations as followers of Jesus. This might be seen as being sincere in our interpersonal and professional interactions, opposing societal injustices, or advancing the truth in the face of false narratives.

Embracing Hope: Hope is represented by God as light. Remembering that God is light serves as a beacon of hope throughout times of personal or societal darkness, such as times of loss, despair, or upheaval. Even the darkest places are illuminated by His light, which inspires us to maintain faith and fortitude in the face of difficulties.

Last but not least, realizing that God is light motivates us to spread that light to others. This can be accomplished by spreading the good news, exemplifying the compassion and love of Christ, or fighting for social justice, peace, and reconciliation.

By living out the truth of 1 John 1:5, we not only deepen our relationship with God, but we also spread His light throughout today’s society.

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father,

We are in awe of Your holiness and purity because You are the real Light, in whom there is no shadow of night. We praise Your divine essence, which is unblemished by sin or malice and is supremely holy. You are the source of all kindness and truth; you are the light that shines through the darkness and chases away all the shadows. Our Lord, we praise and worship You for Your shining presence in our lives.

We acknowledge that despite how much we admire You, we frequently fall short of shining Your light in our own lives. We acknowledge that there are times when we prefer to walk in the dark versus doing so in Your light. We keep unconfessed sin hidden, let lies fester in our minds, and occasionally close our eyes to the light You give. We beg Your pardon for these as well as all of our flaws.

Lord, we too repent of the times we failed to shine brightly for You in our world and instead concealed Your light under a basket. We have squandered chances to uphold the truth, practice justice, and show mercy. We have failed to reflect Your beautiful light to people around us by doing this.

I appreciate Your promise of forgiveness and purification for those who confess their transgressions, Gracious Father. Give us the strength to follow Your rules and shine brightly for Your glory as we turn from our own darkness and toward Your wonderful light.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Reflection Questions

What ways in your life have you personally seen God as light? How has His light guided you through difficult times?

Where in your life might there be ‘darkness’ that needs to be brought into God’s light? These might be unsolved grievances, lingering misgivings, or unconfessed misdeeds.

How can you spread God’s light throughout your daily life? How can you act in a way that reflects God’s light, which is truth, purity, and love, in your dealings with others?

Faith Challenge

Find deliberate ways to spread the gospel in your circle of influence this week. It could involve being kind to a complete stranger, defending the truth in a challenging circumstance, or offering support to someone who is struggling. Be aware of God’s influence in your life and let His light direct your decisions. Consider how these actions affected others and your own spiritual path as you reflect on them at the conclusion of the week. Remember, when we are allowing God’s light to flow through us, every little thing counts.

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